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미적지근함 영어로

"미적지근함" 뜻

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  • tepor
  • 미적지근한    unenthusiastic; lukewarm; slightly warm
  • 미적지근하다    미적지근하다1 [미지근하다] tepid; lukewarm. 미적지근한 물 tepid[lukewarm] water. 미적지근히 tepidly; lukewarmly.2 indecisive; vague; dubious; lukewarm; irresolute; undetermined; shilly-shally. 미적지근한 대답 a dubious[vague]
  • 미지근함    tepidity; tepor
  • 뻑적지근하다    뻑적지근하다 feel heavy and painful; feel strained; be exhausted. 몸이 ~ feel pretty exhausted / be worn out.
  • 트적지근하다    트적지근하다 feel oppression in the chest (as with dyspepsia).
  • 미적    미적 [美的] aesthetic(al). ~으로 aesthetically. 그것은 ~ 견지에서 말해서 아무런 가치도 없다 From an aesthetic point of view, it has no value.▷ 미적 가치 aesthetic value.▷ 미적 감각 (an) aesthetic sense; a sense of beauty.▷ 미적 교육 a
  • 적지    적지 [適地] suitable land. 그 땅은 밀 경작의 ~이다 The soil is suited to the cultivation of wheat.적지 [敵地] enemy land[territory country]. ~에 깊숙이 들어가다 penetrate deep into the enemy territory. ~를 정찰하다 make a survey
  • 지근    지근 [支根] [받침뿌리] rootlets; radicles.지근 [至近] ~ 거리 the shortest range / point-blank range. ~탄(彈) a shot fired at close range. 폭한은 ~ 거리에서 그를 습격했다 The thug shot him point-blank.
  • 지근지근    지근(덕)지근(덕) annoying; molesting; pestering; bothering; teasing. ~하다 =지근덕거리다.
  • 미적분    미적분 [微積分] 『數』 differential and integral.▷ 미적분학 ☞ 미분 적분학(☞ 미분)
  • 미적인    sensory; aesthetic
  • 고적지    remains; rubble; ruins
  • 목적지    목적지 [目的地] one's destination; the end of one's journey; the goal. ~에 도달하다 reach[arrive at] one's destination / reach the end of one's journey.
  • 적지 않은    appreciable; considerable; sizable; not a little
  • 충적지    alluvion
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