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고적지 영어로

"고적지" 예문

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  • remains
  • rubble
  • ruins
  • 고적    고적 [古蹟] relics; a historic place[spot]; historic remains; ruins; a place of historical interest; an ancient landmark. ~을 승하 visit places of historical interest. 이 곳은 이 순신 장군의 ~지다 This is a historic
  • 적지    적지 [適地] suitable land. 그 땅은 밀 경작의 ~이다 The soil is suited to the cultivation of wheat.적지 [敵地] enemy land[territory country]. ~에 깊숙이 들어가다 penetrate deep into the enemy territory. ~를 정찰하다 make a survey
  • 고적대    고적대 [鼓笛隊] a drum and fife band[corps]; a drum and bugle corps.▷ 고적대장 a drum major[majorette(여자)].
  • 고적운    고적운 [高積雲] 『氣象』 an altocumulus .
  • 목적지    목적지 [目的地] one's destination; the end of one's journey; the goal. ~에 도달하다 reach[arrive at] one's destination / reach the end of one's journey.
  • 적지 않은    appreciable; considerable; sizable; not a little
  • 충적지    alluvion
  • 계고적인    preventive
  • 권고적인    recommending; advocating; hortatory; exhorting; endorsing; recommendatory; urging; exhortatory; inciting
  • 명승고적    명승 고적 [名勝古蹟] scenic spots and places of historic interest; (famous) places of natural[scenic] beauty and historic interest. ~을 돌아보다 visit places of natural beauty and historic interest. ~이 많다 be ric
  • 복고적인    restorative
  • 원고적격    Standing (law)
  • 미적지근한    unenthusiastic; lukewarm; slightly warm
  • 미적지근함    tepor
  • 십자군 유적지    Crusader sites
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