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성미가 까다롭다 영어로


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  • be bad tempered
  • 까다롭다    까다롭다1 (성미·취향이) fastidious ;
  • 괴까다롭다    괴까다롭다 ☞ 꾀까다롭다
  • 까다롭다    까다롭다1 (성미·취향이) fastidious ; overnice; particular ; hard to please. 성미가 까다로운 사람 a fastidious person / a person hard to please. 식성이 ~ be fastidious[particular] about one's food / have too many likes a
  • 꾀까다롭다    꾀까다롭다1 (문제가) tricky; complicated; complex; delicate; intricate. 꾀까다로운 문제 a tricky problem / a difficult question. 이 문제는 다소 ~ This problem is a little too hard to solve. 이것은 꾀까다로운 문제다 It's a knotty[t
  • 성미가 까다로운    bad tempered; queasy; ill-tempered; grumpy; irascible
  • 까다롭게    acidly; acerbically
  • 성미 까다로운    crabbed; crabby; picky; carnaptious; peevish; fretful; snotty; irritable; grumpy; tetchy; ill-tempered; kwaai; quick-tempered; fretty; quibbly; petulant; cramped; huffy; grouchy; bad-tempered; cross
  • 성미가 맞지 않는    disagreeing; incompossible
  • 성미가 사나운    fiery
  • 성미까다로운    touchous; ticklish; touchy; kittle
  • 성미가 맞지않는    nonsympathizer
  • 성미가 벼락 같은 사람    thunderbolt
  • 취미가까다로운사람    recherché
  • 성미    성미 [性味] [성질] nature; disposition; [기질] temperament; temper; spirit; [성격] character; [성정과 취미] bent. ~가 고약한 ill-natured / ill-disposed / evil-minded / wicked / vicious / malicious. ~가 좋은 사람 a good-nat
  • 까다    까다11 [제하다] take (away / out) ; deduct ; subtract . 세금을 까고 월 40만 원의 수입 a monthly income of 400,000 won after taxes. 봉급에서 월부금을 ~ deduct a monthly instal(l)ment one's salary. 본전에서 이자를 ~ take off[deduct
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