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꾀까다롭다 영어로

"꾀까다롭다" 뜻

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  • 꾀까다롭다1 (문제가) tricky; complicated; complex; delicate; intricate.
    꾀까다로운 문제 a tricky problem / a difficult question.
    이 문제는 다소 ~ This problem is a little too hard to solve.
    이것은 꾀까다로운 문제다 It's a knotty[troublesome] problem. / The problem is difficult[hard] to solve.2 (성미가) fastidious; particular; finical; hard to please; hard to handle; fretful ; overnice ; hard-grained ; dainty .
    꾀까다로운 상사 a superior hard to be contented.
    꾀까다로운 취미 dainty[finicky] taste(s).
    꾀까다로운 고객 a difficult customer.
    그는 꾀까다로운 사람이다 He is hard to please.
    그는 음식에 ~ He is particular about his food.
    그녀는 옷에 대해 ~ She is particular[choosy] about her clothes. / She is hard to please when it comes to clothes.
    그는 꾀까다로운 주인이다 He is a difficult master to please.
    그녀는 매사에 ~ She is picky about everything.
  • 괴까다롭다    괴까다롭다 ☞ 꾀까다롭다
  • 까다롭다    까다롭다1 (성미·취향이) fastidious ; overnice; particular ; hard to please. 성미가 까다로운 사람 a fastidious person / a person hard to please. 식성이 ~ be fastidious[particular] about one's food / have too many likes a
  • 성미가 까다롭다    be bad tempered
  • 꾀까다로운    fastidious; squeamish; atrabilious; quarrelsome; queasy
  • 까다롭게    acidly; acerbically
  • 까다    까다11 [제하다] take (away / out) ; deduct ; subtract . 세금을 까고 월 40만 원의 수입 a monthly income of 400,000 won after taxes. 봉급에서 월부금을 ~ deduct a monthly instal(l)ment one's salary. 본전에서 이자를 ~ take off[deduct
  • 롭다    -롭다 be; be characterized by. 새~ new / fresh. 해~ harmful / injurious / do harm / have an injurious effect . 향기~ fragrant / sweet-scented / aromatic. 호화~ gorgeous / splendid / luxurious.
  • 불까다    불까다 castrate; emasculate; (주로 동물을) geld. 불깐 닭[말] a capon[gelding]. 말을 ~ geld a horse. 그는 그의 개를 불깠다 He had his dog neutered.
  • 뻥을 까다    brag; boast; show off
  • 알을 까다    incubate
  • 괴롭다    괴롭다 [고통스럽다] painful; afflicting; distressing; agonizing; [곤란하다] troublesome; hard; difficult; [난처하다] awkward; embarrassing; embarrassed; [곤궁하다] straitened; needy; reduced; be indisposed of. 괴로운 나머지
  • 새롭다    새롭다 [지금까지 있은 적이 없다] new; [생생하다] fresh; [최신이다] latest; [현대적·진보적이다] up-to-date; modern; [신기하다] novel; [독창적이다] original. 새로운 수단[방법] a new type[method / way] . 새로운 유행 the latest fashion. 새로운 뉴스 fresh[ho
  • 외롭다    외롭다 lonely; lonesome; forlorn; feel lonely[lonesome]. 외로운 고아 a desolate orphan. 외로운 사람 a solitary[lonely] person. 외로운 나그네 a lonely[solitary] traveler. 외로운 생활을 하다 lead a lonely[solitary] life. 도와줄 친
  • 의롭다    의롭다 [義-] righteous; rightful; just. 의로운 사람 a righteous man / the righteous. 의로운 싸움 a righteous war / fighting for a rightful cause. 의로운 일을 하다 do a right thing / do right. 대의를 위해 의롭게 죽다 sacrifice on
  • 이롭다    이롭다 [利-] profitable; advantageous; beneficial; good ; helpful ; favorable; instructive. 이로운 조건 advantageous[remunerative] terms. 어린이에게 이로운 책 a book good for children. 학생에게 이로운 교훈 an instructive less
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