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일대경세지 영어로


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  • thunderer
  • 경세지재    경세지재 [經世之才] statesmanship; executive[administrative] ability; ability to run a government.
  • 경세    경세 [經世] governing; administration; [수완] statesmanship; statecraft. ~하다 administer ; govern ; manage a state.경세 [警世] a warning to the times[public]. ~의 서(書) an admonitory book. ~의 글 an essay warning
  • 대경    대경 [大驚] great astonishment. ~하다 be greatly astonished; be startled[astounded / stunned].
  • 일대    일대 [一代] =일세(一世). ~ 전까지 until a generation ago. 일생 ~의 큰 실수 the greatest mistake of one's life. 그의 ~에 쌓아올린 재산 a fortune built up in his lifetime. 그는 ~의 영웅이었다 He was the greatest hero of his[the] day.▷
  • 경세가    경세가 [經世家] a statesman; an administrator.
  • 확대경    reading glass; magnifying glass; lupa
  • 환경세    Ecotax
  • 일대사    일대사 [一大事] a serious[grave] affair; a matter of great consequence; a matter of grave concern. 이것은 국가의 ~다 This is a matter of great consequence to the state.
  • 일대에    over
  • 일대일    일대일 [一對一] one to one. ~의 대화 a person-to-person[one-to-one] talk. ~의 승부[대결] a single combat / a man-to-man fight. ~로 승부를 겨루다 fight in single combat / fight man to man.▷ 일대일 대응 『數』 a one-to-one corres
  • 세지 않은    uncounted; infinite; multitudinous; unreckonable; untallied; incalculable; myriad; innumerable; countless; uncountable; numberless; sumless; millioned
  • 경세제민    경세 제민 [經世濟民] administrating the state to relieve the people's suffering.
  • 경세황비    The Glamorous Imperial Concubine
  • 대경대학교    Daekyeung University
  • 대경실색    대경 실색 [大驚失色] ~하다 [간담이 서늘하다] be astounded; [기가 질리다] be amazed; turn pale with horror; lose color with astonishment; be greatly startled. 그는 말이 안 나올 정도로 ~했다 He was speechless with amazement. / He was
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