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환경세 영어로

"환경세" 예문"환경세" 중국어

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  • Ecotax
  • 경세    경세 [經世] governing; administration; [수완] statesmanship; statecraft. ~하다 administer ; govern ; manage a state.경세 [警世] a warning to the times[public]. ~의 서(書) an admonitory book. ~의 글 an essay warning
  • 경세가    경세가 [經世家] a statesman; an administrator.
  • 경세제민    경세 제민 [經世濟民] administrating the state to relieve the people's suffering.
  • 경세지재    경세지재 [經世之才] statesmanship; executive[administrative] ability; ability to run a government.
  • 경세황비    The Glamorous Imperial Concubine
  • 신경세포    neurocyte; nerve cell; neuron; neurone
  • 일대경세지    thunderer
  • 환경    환경 [環境] environment; surroundings; circumstances. 가정 ~ home environment. 사회 ~ social environment. 생활 ~ one's living environment. 자연 ~ natural environment. ~의 변화 a change in one's circumstances. ~의
  • 환경 문제 환경 문제    Environmental issues
  • 환경 보호 환경 보호    Environmental protection
  • 환경 자연 환경    Natural environment
  • 환경법 환경법    Environmental law
  • 괌의 환경    Environment of Guam
  • 댐과 환경    Environmental impact of reservoirs
  • 물과 환경    Water and the environment
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