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적절히 영어로

"적절히" 예문"적절히" 뜻"적절히" 중국어

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • readily
  • well
  • conveniently
  • properly
  • pertinently
  • semblably
  • aptly
  • suitably
  • masterly
  • conformably
  • appropriately
  • seemly
  • commodiously
  • meetly
  • adaptly
  • accommodately
  • fitly
  • agreeably
  • 적절히$1$    accordingly
  • 적절히 판단하다    scale
  • 적절    적절 [適切] ~하다 suitable; good; appropriate; proper; happy; [당면 문제에 꼭 맞다] relevant; pertinent; adequate; (시기가) well-timed; timely. ~한 말 a happy[fitting] remark. ~한 표현 a suitable expression. ~한 예 an apt[
  • 간절히    간절히 [墾切-] [절실히] eagerly; ardently; [진심으로] earnestly; heartily; sincerely. ~ 바라다 sincerely hope / desire earnestly / wish eagerly. ~ 권하다 urge strongly / strongly advise . ~ 부탁하다 entreat . ~ 호소하다 app
  • 친절히    studiedly
  • 부적절    improperness; unsuitableness; inappropriateness; unseemliness; incongruousness
  • 적절한    apropos; well-suited; apt; well-spoken; relative; right; proper; well judged; pertinent; happy; winged; apposite; well suited; neat; well-chosen; relevant; politic
  • 적절함    talent; knack; genius; flair; faculty; aptitude; ability; school psychologist; skill; endowment
  • 친절히 대하다    caress
  • 친절히 대접하기    hospitality
  • 부적절 계정    Wikipedians who are indefinitely blocked for a violation of the username policy
  • 부적절 관계    imperence
  • 부적절한    out of place; irrelevant; sleazy; meagre; inapposite; not pertinent; inappropriate; raunchy; unsatisfactory; rinky-dink; deficient
  • 부적절한 말    impertinence
  • 부적절한 행위    impertinence; imperence


  • So now you've begun to embrace some proper rigor...
    그래서 이젠 어느 정도 엄격한 면을 적절히 수용하기 시작했으니
  • The realist looks forward and adjusts his path accordingly.
    현실주의자는 앞만 보아 자신의 길을 적절히 조정한다고
  • Now, you seem to be functioning reasonably well... so far.
    당신은 적절히 반응하는 것 같으니까 지금까진 말이오
  • Counselor Dent... knows how to walk the line.
    적절히 균형을 잡고 가는 법을 알아
  • No, cause I think positive emotion... triumphs negative emotion everytime.
    두가지를 적절히 조합하기 위해선 카타르시스가 필요해
  • Oh, you gotta stop grinding shit out of that clutch.
    오, 클러치를 적절히 밟아야 할거야.
  • Grease the right hands and you'd get a reduced sentence for good behavior.
    뇌물만 적절히 쓰면 가석방도 가능하다 그냥 개껌 정도지
  • They make a song and dance about it, but if things are properly managed...
    이정도 가지고 엄살을 부리죠. 적절히 대처만 해주면 그럴 필요가 없는 일인데...
  • Look, I'll be back bright and early to go and make the appropriate arrangements for your mother.
    난 아침 일찍 다시 가서 니 엄마 식에 적절히 준비 할 거다
  • And did you ever consider that your disapproval of her faith might taint your ability to represent her properly?
    당신이 그녀의 종교를 인정하지 않은 것이 그녀를 적절히 대리할 수 있는 능력에 해가 될 수 있단 걸 생각해 보셨나요?
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5
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