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...몰이 영어로

"...몰이" 뜻

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  • counted
  • 몰이    몰이 (사냥의) chasing; hunting; beating; running . ~하다 beat; chase; run ; hunt out[up].
  • 몰이꾼    몰이꾼 a beater; a chaser.
  • 몰이해    몰이해 [沒理解] lack of understanding[sympathy]; nonunderstanding. 이 병에 대한 사회의 ~를 시정하지 않으면 안 된다 Society's lack of understanding[sympathy] toward(s) this disease must be corrected. ~하다 lacking in understan
  • 소몰이    소몰이 [소를 모는 일] cattle droving; [소를 모는 사람] a cattle drover.
  • 판몰이    판몰이 ~하다 sweep the board; take the pool; walk off with the stakes.
  • 휘몰이    휘몰이 (말 등의) hurrying (up); hastening; urging on[onward]; whipping up; (가축 등의) driving; chasing; rounding up; running; rattling.▷ 휘몰이판 the scene of chasing; a roundup.
  • 낙타 몰이꾼    cameleer
  • 노새 몰이꾼    muleteer
  • 말 몰이꾼    driver
  • 말몰이꾼    말몰이꾼 a pack-horse driver; a road-horse man.
  • 몰이포수    몰이 포수 [-砲手] a chaser; a hunter.
  • 몰이하다    catch; hunt; hunt out
  • 사냥몰이    battue
  • 소 몰이꾼    driver
  • 라쳇 & 클랭크: 공구전사 대박몰이    Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando
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