로그인 회원가입


음성기호: [ ə'diʃən ]  발음
명사 복수: additions   
"addition" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • noun, 부가, 증가, 가산, 부가물, 증축


  • The new addition you built, it's just amazing.
    네 집에 추가건설했지? 정말 멋져 - 고마워
  • An addition to our family is not a replacement.
    우리 가족이 늘어나는 거지 누굴 대체하는게 아니야
  • Uncle Cam. Hey, we heard about the new addition,
    아, 다행이네요 실은 제 코가 석자거든요 지금
  • I think you all would make valuable additions.
    제 생각에 여러분 모두 중요한 일원이 될 수 있을 같습니다.
  • In addition, this man has no criminal record.
    게다가 이 남자는 전과 기록이 없어요
  • There will be an addition to our party for dinner tonight.
    오늘 저녁 식사에 추가할 것이 하나 더 있지
  • So my own debts, in addition to the mortgage on Nampara?
    그래서 내 빚이 얼만가 남파라 저택의 저당까지 다 해서?
  • In addition to that, we have a few maintenance issues.
    거기다가, 저희가 약간의 비행기 문제가 있습니다만
  • This makes Dilophosaurus a beautiful but deadly addition to Jurassic Park.
    "딜로포사우루스' 는 쥬라기 공원의... '매력적이지만 위험한 공룡입니다'
  • There are two British citizens In addition, an American as targets.
    영국인 두 명과 미국인 한 명이 타겟입니다
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5

영어 뜻

  • the act of adding one thing to another; "the addition of flowers created a pleasing effect"; "the addition of a leap day every four years"

  • the arithmetic operation of summing; calculating the sum of two or more numbers; "the summation of four and three gives seven"; "four plus three equals seven"
    유의어: summation, plus,

  • a component that is added to something to improve it; "the addition of a bathroom was a major improvement"; "the addition of cinnamon improved the flavor"
    유의어: add-on, improver,

  • a suburban area laid out in streets and lots for a future residential area

  • something added to what you already have; "the librarian shelved the new accessions"; "he was a new addition to the staff"
    유의어: accession,

  • a quantity that is added; "there was an addition to property taxes this year"; "they recorded the cattle''s gain in weight over a period of weeks"
    유의어: increase, gain,

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