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"adhesion" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • noun, 집착, 점착, 유작


  • If it is true, he should be caught and crucified. Glair, for adhesion.
    그것이 사실이라면, 그는 붙잡혀서 십자가에 못 박혔겠죠
  • All right, these adhesion barriers we're placing should keep the tissue separate while it heals.
    회복되는동안 우리가 집어넣는 이 유착방지막이 조직을 분리시켜야해
  • So there we were, hour four into this messy trauma, when I say, "that's not an adhesion,"
    그걸 꺼내고 재수술하고 또 수술하고 그렇게 안해도 되잖아요.
  • If Walter heats the tar, it'll lower its adhesion level, and he can pull his legs free.
    월터가 타르를 가열하면 접착력이 낮아져서 다리를 자유롭게 당길 수 있을 거야
  • Our evaluation criteria for adhesion quality are as follows:
    점착 품질에 대한 평가 기준은 다음과 같습니다.
  • Improved coating adhesion and reduced paint consumption
    코팅 접착력 향상 및 페인트 소비 감소
  • The method can also be perfectly combined with adhesion technology.
    이 방법은 또한 접착 기술과 완벽하게 결합될 수 있습니다.
  • Modifying the surface in this way improves adhesion.
    이러한 방식으로 표면을 수정하면 점착력이 개선됩니다.
  • Double-coated Tape for Adhesion to Silicone Rubber No.5302A
    실리콘 고무 점착용 양면 테이프 No.5302A
  • Double Sided Tape for Adhesion to Silicone Rubber No.5302A
    실리콘 고무 점착용 양면 테이프 No.5302A
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5

영어 뜻

  • faithful support for a cause or political party or religion; "attachment to a formal agenda"; "adherence to a fat-free diet"; "the adhesion of Seville was decisive"
    유의어: attachment, adherence,

  • the property of sticking together (as of glue and wood) or the joining of surfaces of different composition; "the mutual adhesiveness of cells"; "a heated hydraulic press was required for adhesion"
    유의어: adhesiveness, adherence, bond,

  • a fibrous band of scar tissue that binds together normally separate anatomical structures

  • abnormal union of bodily tissues; most common in the abdomen

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