로그인 회원가입


음성기호: [ ə'pi:l ]  발음
동사 과거: appealed   동사 과거분사: appealed   명사 복수: appeals   동사 현재분사: appealing   
"appeal" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • vi, vt, 항소하다, 호소하다, 애원하다, 감동시키다, 흥미를 끌다, 마음에 들다(to), 항소하다, 상고하다


  • Yeah. No, commercial success didn't really appeal to me.
    응, 근데 상업적인 성공은 나에게 크게 중요치 않아
  • I put you through that board of appeal bullshit.
    널 멍청한 공판 오게 만들어서 나도 기분이 안좋아
  • This is why married couples lose their sex appeal
    이러니까 결혼하고 나면 서로의 성적 매력이 급격히 떨어지는 거야
  • There is a final court of appeal for everyone.
    모두가 최후의 반론을 할 수 있는 곳
  • I appealed to Kebechet again... and six more gods.
    케베케트 신께 다시 빌었지요 다른 여섯분의 신들께도...
  • We have precedents in case subject to appeal, -Apelação?
    우리 회사는 사건을 항소까지 끌고 갈 겁니다
  • It's, like, seedy, but in an appealing way.
    음 약간, 더러운데, 좀 끌리게 더럽단말이야
  • She'll have a sentimental appeal to this money crowd.
    돈만 밝히는 자들에게도 감성적 어필이 가능할거야
  • Since he didn't appeal... his death sentence became irrevocable.
    항소하지 않았기 때문에 그대로 사형이 확정됐다
  • You mean I should appeal and humiliate myself further?
    항소를 해서 저만 더 창피 당하라구요?
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5

영어 뜻

  • (law) a legal proceeding in which the appellant resorts to a higher court for the purpose of obtaining a review of a lower court decision and a reversal of the lower court''s judgment or the granting of a new trial; "their appeal was denied in the superior court"

  • attractiveness that interests or pleases or stimulates; "his smile was part of his appeal to her"
    유의어: appealingness, charm,

  • request for a sum of money; "an appeal to raise money for starving children"
    유의어: solicitation, collection, ingathering,

  • earnest or urgent request; "an entreaty to stop the fighting"; "an appeal for help"; "an appeal to the public to keep calm"
    유의어: entreaty, prayer,

  • 동사
  • request earnestly (something from somebody); ask for aid or protection; "appeal to somebody for help"; "Invoke God in times of trouble"
    유의어: invoke,

  • cite as an authority; resort to; "He invoked the law that would save him"; "I appealed to the law of 1900"; "She invoked an ancient law"
    유의어: invoke,

  • be attractive to; "The idea of a vacation appeals to me"; "The beautiful garden attracted many people"
    유의어: attract,

  • take a court case to a higher court for review; "He was found guilty but appealed immediately"

  • challenge (a decision); "She appealed the verdict"

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