로그인 회원가입


음성기호: [ ə'raund ]  발음
"around" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • adverb, 주변에, 둘레에
  • all around    팔; 사람마다의; 편; 어디에나
  • all-around    통상; 대개
  • around here    근처
  • around the bend    환장한 것 같은; 제정신이 아닌; 몰상식한; 정신이상자를 위한
  • around the clock    일정 불변하게 늘; 불철주야; 항상; 그저; 반드시; 변화없이
  • around the corner    절박한; 박두한
  • around thirty    서른 즈음에
  • around-the-clock    스무네 시간 꼬박의
  • circle around    회
  • end around    phrase, (미)엔드 어라운드(볼을 받은 공격팀의 end가 라인 반대측으로 우회하여 전진하는 트릭 플레이)
  • fool around    빈들빈들 지내다
  • fuck around    씨발; 성교하다; 좆되다; 제기랄; 씹하다
  • get around    을 설복하다; 널리 퍼지다; 잘 피하다; 을 데리고 오다; 돌아다니다; 교제 범위가 넓다; 을 데리고 가다
  • go around    사라지다; 소실하다; 안 보이게 되다; 조
  • go-around    착륙복행


  • And you're just walking around, what, babysitting me?
    근데 넌 그냥 그렇게 돌아다니면서, 뭐, 날 돌보겠다고?
  • That's how that wall wound up around us.
    아는데 그냥 걱정이 되는구나 그래서 벽도 지은거고 말이야
  • Just wrap some bandages around it or something.
    수술할 필요 없고 반창고나 몇 개 붙여주시면 돼요
  • Priest, did you see a stranger lurking around?
    이맘님*, 근처에 수상한 사람 못 보셨나요? (*이슬람 사제)
  • Archibald, I haven't seen you around here lately.
    nbsp; 아치볼트 요즘 통 못 본 것 같네?
    이 빌어먹을 시궁창 주변에서 어슬렁 거리지 말구 말이야
  • It shouldn't have rained in Osaka around then.
    그 때쯤이면 오사카에 비 많이 안 왔을 텐데...
  • It's a bad day all around, I guess.
    오늘 있었던 일들은 전부 나쁜 것뿐이었던 것 같아요
  • There's nothing new around here... except them pumpjacks.
    뭘 산 게 없어 저 석유 펌프 빼고
  • I wanna be around 40 years from now.
    남은 생의 반을 너와 함께 하고 싶다는 얘기야
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5

영어 뜻

  • (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct; "lasted approximately an hour"; "in just about a minute"; "he''s about 30 years old"; "I''ve had about all I can stand"; "we meet about once a month"; "some forty people came"; "weighs around a hundred pounds"; "roughly $3,000"; "holds 3 gallons, more or less"; "20 or so people were at the party"
    유의어: approximately, about, close to, just about, some, roughly, more or less, or so, approximately, about, close to, just about, some, roughly, more or less, or so,

  • in circumference; "the trunk is ten feet around"; "the pond is two miles around"

  • in the area or vicinity; "a few spectators standing about"; "hanging around"; "waited around for the next flight"
    유의어: about, about,

  • from beginning to end; throughout; "It rains all year round on Skye"; "frigid weather the year around"
    유의어: round, round,

  • by a circular or circuitous route; "He came all the way around the base"; "the road goes around the pond"

  • in a circle or circular motion; "The wheels are spinning around"

  • all around or on all sides; "dirty clothes lying around (or about)"; "let''s look about for help"; "There were trees growing all around"; "she looked around her"
    유의어: about, about,

  • to a particular destination either specified or understood; "she came around to see me"; "I invited them around for supper"

  • in or to a reversed position or direction; "about face"; "suddenly she turned around"
    유의어: about, about,

  • used of movement to or among many different places or in no particular direction; "wandering about with no place to go"; "people were rushing about"; "news gets around (or about)"; "traveled around in Asia"; "he needs advice from someone who''s been around"; "she sleeps around"
    유의어: about, about,

  • (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct; "lasted approximately an hour"; "in just about a minute"; "he''s about 30 years old"; "I''ve had about all I can stand"; "we meet about once a month"; "some forty people came"; "weighs around a hundred pounds"; "roughly $3,000"; "holds 3 gallons, more or less"; "20 or so people were at the party"
    유의어: approximately, about, close to, just about, some, roughly, more or less, or so, approximately, about, close to, just about, some, roughly, more or less, or so,

  • in circumference; "the trunk is ten feet around"; "the pond is two miles around"

  • in the area or vicinity; "a few spectators standing about"; "hanging around"; "waited around for the next flight"
    유의어: about, about,

  • from beginning to end; throughout; "It rains all year round on Skye"; "frigid weather the year around"
    유의어: round, round,

  • by a circular or circuitous route; "He came all the way around the base"; "the road goes around the pond"

  • in a circle or circular motion; "The wheels are spinning around"

  • all around or on all sides; "dirty clothes lying around (or about)"; "let''s look about for help"; "There were trees growing all around"; "she looked around her"
    유의어: about, about,

  • to a particular destination either specified or understood; "she came around to see me"; "I invited them around for supper"

  • in or to a reversed position or direction; "about face"; "suddenly she turned around"
    유의어: about, about,

  • used of movement to or among many different places or in no particular direction; "wandering about with no place to go"; "people were rushing about"; "news gets around (or about)"; "traveled around in Asia"; "he needs advice from someone who''s been around"; "she sleeps around"
    유의어: about, about,

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