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음성기호: [ 'bɔdi ]  발음
동사 과거: bodied   동사 과거분사: bodied   명사 복수: bodies   동사 현재분사: bodying   
"body" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • noun, vt, 몸, 육체, 몸통, 동의, 시체, 신병, 주부, 본문(서문, 일러두기, 무록 따위에 대하여), 대, 떼, 사람, 물체-형체를 주다


  • Stumbled over a dead body by canyon creek.
    협곡 개울 옆에서 죽은 시체에 걸려 넘어졌다고 그러더군.
  • You watch people -- read their body language.
    사람들을 지켜 보고 그들의 바디 랭귀지를 읽는 거죠
  • And do you know where Dev's body is?
    생각했으니까요 - 그럼 친구분 시신이 어디 있는지 아십니까?
  • Madison P.D. found the body of Mary Healy.
    2주 전에 매디슨 경찰에서 메리 힐리의 시신을 발견했어요
  • To have exactly the body that you want.
    정확하게 여러분이 가지고 싶어하는 몸을 가지는 것 말입니다
  • The dreaded Ninja Ozaki, from Body Bags 6:
    두려워하는 닌자 오자키. Body Bags 6 도쿄파이어에 나온
  • The dreaded Ninja Ozaki, from Body Bags 6:
    두려워하는 닌자 오자키. Body Bags 6 도쿄파이어에 나온
  • They gave me bruises all over my body.
    세상에 온 전신을 세상에 이 지경으로 만들어 놓고
  • The gold stuck on my body has melted!
    나 해수랑 안 맞았지.. 몸에 스며든 금이 빠져나가
  • I shouldn't have let her see the body.
    그때 그 치와와 죽은 거 괜히 보여 드려가지고...
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5

영어 뜻

  • the external structure of a vehicle; "the body of the car was badly rusted"

  • a resonating chamber in a musical instrument (as the body of a violin)
    유의어: soundbox,

  • the property of holding together and retaining its shape; "wool has more body than rayon"; "when the dough has enough consistency it is ready to bake"
    유의어: consistency, consistence, eubstance,

  • the main mass of a thing

  • the entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being); "he felt as if his whole body were on fire"
    유의어: organic structure, physical structure,

  • a natural object consisting of a dead animal or person; "they found the body in the lake"
    유의어: dead body,

  • the body excluding the head and neck and limbs; "they moved their arms and legs and bodies"
    유의어: torso, trunk,

  • the central message of a communication; "the body of the message was short"

  • a group of persons associated by some common tie or occupation and regarded as an entity; "the whole body filed out of the auditorium"; "the student body"; "administrative body"

  • a collection of particulars considered as a system; "a body of law"; "a body of doctrine"; "a body of precedents"

  • an individual 3-dimensional object that has mass and that is distinguishable from other objects; "heavenly body"

  • 동사
  • invest with or as with a body; give body to
    유의어: personify,

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