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음성기호: [ 'bʌfə ]  발음
"buffer" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • noun, (기차 따위의)완충기


  • You can be a buffer between Alex and Eliza.
    난 많은 걸 원했어, 루시
  • Keep a buffer between you and her... a stool, portable X-ray... anything.
    항상 사이에 안전장치를 두고 있으란 말이야. 의자나, 휴대용 엑스레이나... 뭐가 됐든지.
  • And you could really use a buffer.
    완충제 역할좀 해주길 바라는거고...
  • I need a buffer!
    네 오빠 트레일러 지붕 고쳐주기로 했단 말야
  • The wood blocks act as buffer, so when masts flex, the wire won't snap.
    나무 블록이 완충 역할을 해서 기둥이 흔들려도 줄이 안 끊어져
  • You pulled me out of a once-in-a-lifetime surgery to be a buffer between you and your boyfriend?
    확실히 해둘게 있는데요 두분 사이에서 셔틀이나 하라고 일생일대 한번뿐인 수술에서 절 빼내시는 건가요?
  • New school, new kids, and now I'm taking advice about girls from a kid who has his own shoe buffer.
    그래? 새로운 학교에 새로운 친구들 그리고 심지어는 매니한테서도 여자들에 대한 조언을 들어요
  • I don't know, something to do with... with the weather patterns or, uh, maybe the ridge created a... just a natural buffer zone.
    내가 기후패턴 같은 건... 잘 알지는 못 하지만 저 산등성이가 자연적으로
  • They also serve as a practical material buffer. Quality
    또한 벨트 테이블은 실용적인 재료 버퍼로도 기능합니다. 품질
  • O2 buffer tank O2 buffer tank function:
    O2 완충액 탱크 O2 버퍼 탱크 기능 :
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5

영어 뜻

  • an implement consisting of soft material mounted on a block; used for polishing (as in manicuring)
    유의어: buff,

  • a cushion-like device that reduces shock due to an impact
    유의어: fender,

  • a power tool used to buff surfaces
    유의어: polisher,

  • (computer science) a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data that is waiting to be sent to a device; used to compensate for differences in the rate of flow of data between components of a computer system
    유의어: buffer storage, buffer store,

  • an inclined metal frame at the front of a locomotive to clear the track
    유의어: fender, cowcatcher, pilot,

  • a neutral zone between two rival powers that is created in order to diminish the danger of conflict
    유의어: buffer zone,

  • (chemistry) an ionic compound that resists changes in its pH

  • 동사
  • add a buffer (a solution); "buffered saline solution for the eyes"

  • protect from impact; "cushion the blow"
    유의어: cushion, soften,

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