And who built the Red Keep? And who built the Red Keep? 레드킵을 지은 건 누구죠?
Who built the Iron Throne? Who built the Iron Throne? 누가 철왕좌를 만들었죠?
♪ We built the Wall ♪ ♪ We built the pyramids ♪ ? We built the Wall ? 첌?
It was built to fight. 싸우려면 상대가 누군지 정도는 알아두는게 좋을 거다. It was built to fight.
Promise it's not gonna hurt that much? 제가 과대 망상하는 거죠? - I built it up in my head, didn't I?
You never stood a chance. 당신에게는 가망이 없었던거야 ♪ we built this city on rock 'n' roll ♪
And the fortress they built here has never been overcome. 이 요새는 지난 천 년간 단 한 번도 함락된 적 없어 And the fortress they built here has never been overcome.
The defendant's case is built on the premise that Mrs. Fenton was jealous of her husband because he was having an affair. The defendant's case is built on the premise 피고인측은 펜튼부인이 that Mrs. Fenton was jealous of her husband 불륜때문에 남편을 질투한 것이라고 because he was having an affair.
Were there days when you just couldn't get warm, never mind how many fires your servants built? Were there days when you just couldn't get warm, 네 하인들이 얼마나 많이 불일 지피는 지는 신경도 안쓰면서 never mind how many fires your servants built? 그냥 추위를 견딜 수가 없든?
Clayton.3 apartment is a central place to stay in New York. Built in 1892 아파트는 뉴욕에 머물기 좋은 숙박 시설입니다.
(used of soaps or cleaning agents) having a substance (an abrasive or filler) added to increase effectiveness; "the built liquid detergents" 유의어: reinforced,