c.b. 뜻
국어 번역
- Bachelor of Surgery, Cape Breton, cash book, Companion of the Bath, Cavalry Brigade, Chief Baron, Coal Board, Common Bench, Conference Board, Confidential Book, construction battalion, cost benefit, counter bombardment, county borough, confined to barracks 외출금지
c.& b.
x, caught and bowled (by)
- a.b.c. 첫번 째의; 초보의
- b.c. 기원전
- c.& b. phrase, caught and bowled (by) C.B. Bachelor of Surgery, Cape Breton, cash book, Companion of the Bath, Cavalry Brigade, Chief Baron, Coal Board, Common Bench, Conference Board, Confidential Book,
- c.u.b.c. phrase, Cambridge University Boat Club
- atalanta b.c. 아탈란타 bc
- atalanta b.c. managers 아탈란타 BC의 축구 감독
- atalanta b.c. players 아탈란타 BC의 축구 선수
- atalanta b.c. squad 아탈란타 BC 선수 명단
- b, e, c, phrase, Bureau of Employees' Compensation
- b.e.c.s. phrase, British Red Cross Society
- b.o.a.c. noun, British Overseas Airways Corporation 영국 해외 항공 회사
- bắc giang 박장
- bắc ninh 박닌
- c. b. cebulski C. B. 시벌스키
- c.b.d. phrase, cash before delivery