c.u.d.s. 뜻
국어 번역
- phrase, Cambridge University Dramatic Society
- u.d.c. phrase, United Daughters of the Confedracy
- iu(c)d, i.u.(c.)d. phrase, intrauterine (contraceptive)device자궁내 피임기구(링)
- c.u.c.c. phrase, Cambridge University Cricket Club
- a.c.u. phrase, =Autocycle Union
- u.c. phrase, 대문자(사용)
- c.a.d. phrase, cash against documents
- c.d. phrase, Civil Defense 민방위
- c.d.s. phrase, Civil Definse Service민방위 위원회
- d&c phrase, dilatation and curettage(자궁 경관)확장과(내막)소파
- d, a, c, phrase, Department of Army Civilian, Development Assistance Committee 개발 원조 위원회
- d, s, c, phrase, Distinguished Service Cross(군)청동수훈 심자장
- c.u.a.c. phrase, Cambridge University Athletic Club
- c.u.a.f.c. phrase, Cambridge University Association Football Club
- c.u.b.c. phrase, Cambridge University Boat Club
- c.u.g.c. phrase, Cambridge University Golf Club