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"chemists" 예문

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  • 화학자


  • If I knew, I'd buy the cure from Compton's Chemists.
    If I knew, I'd buy the cure from Compton's Chemists. 나는 그저 소녀에요 # I am just a young girl
  • In September 2012, four-piece Singaporean indie rock band Cashew Chemists successfully crowdfunded SGD 1135 from 40 backers on Togather.Asia, for the production of their debut album.
    2012년 9월, 싱가포르 4인조 록밴드인 Cashew Chemists 는 Togather.Asia에서 자신들의 데뷔 앨범 제작을 위해 40명의 후원자로부터 1135 싱가포르 달러를 지원받았다.
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