combust 뜻
"combust" 예문
adjective, (행성이)태양에 접근하여 빛이 엷어진 combusken 영치코combtooth blenny 청베도라치과combustibility noun, 연소성, 가연성combs-la-ville 콩라빌combustible adjective, noun, adverb, 타기쉬운, 가연성의, 흥분하기 쉬운, 가연물, 라이터, 성냥, -blycombretum indicum 사군자 (식물)combustibles 가연물combretaceae 사군자과 사군자과combustion noun, 연소, (유기체의)산화, 자연 연소, 격동, 소요
I can't help but wonder, was there an outbreak here? 궁금해지지 않을 수 없다. combust. l can't help but wonder... What? The fuel is primed, but I cannot get it to combust. 연료는 있는데 작동이 안 돼요! Its battery, which won't explode or combust, can be recharged for 1800 times, fully ensuring the journey security. 폭발 하지 않습니다 또는 외발 전동휠 , 재충전 될 수 있다 1800 시간, 완전히 그것의 배터리는 여행 보안을 보장 합니다.
영어 뜻
동사 undergo combustion; "Maple wood burns well" 유의어: burn , cause to become violent or angry; "Riots combusted Pakistan after the U.S. air attacks on Afghanistan" get very angry and fly into a rage; "The professor combusted when the student didn''t know the answer to a very elementary question"; "Spam makes me go ballistic" 유의어: flip one''s lid , blow up , throw a fit , hit the roof , hit the ceiling , have kittens , have a fit , blow one''s stack , fly off the handle , flip one''s wig , lose one''s temper , blow a fuse , go ballistic , start to burn or burst into flames; "Marsh gases ignited suddenly"; "The oily rags combusted spontaneously" 유의어: erupt , ignite , catch fire , take fire , conflagrate , cause to burn or combust; "The sun burned off the fog"; "We combust coal and other fossil fuels" 유의어: burn ,