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음성기호: [ kə'mə:ʃəl ]  발음
명사 복수: commercials   
"commercial" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • adjective, noun, 상업상의, 통상의, 영리적인, 영리본위의, 공업용의, 업무용의, 광고방송의, (방송국이)민간의, 광고 방송, 시엠(CM=COMMERCIAL TRAVELLER)


  • Yeah. No, commercial success didn't really appeal to me.
    응, 근데 상업적인 성공은 나에게 크게 중요치 않아
  • Commercial granulated cleanser from the cleaning man.
    그 가루는 비누와 염소이고 약간의 굳은 피도 있었죠
  • I'll be back with more news after the commercial,
    이 메시지 뒤에 더 많은 소식으로 뵙겠습니다
  • Vincent Swan, head of commercial sales at your service.
    빈센트 스완, 상업판매 부서의 수장이 무엇이든 도와드립니다
  • We're going to Empire afterwards to show the Pepsi commercial.
    끝나고 엠파이어에서 펩시 광고를 볼거야. 엄마도 올래?
  • The kind that require a commercial driver's license.
    영업용 운전면허가 필요한 종류의 트럭 말이야
  • That was him they're shooting A children's-furniture-store commercial today,
    오늘 아동용 가구 매장 광고를 찍는데
  • The black-and-white commercial would have models turning into panthers.
    흑백 광고로 해서 The black-and-white commercial
  • The black-and-white commercial would have models turning into panthers.
    흑백 광고로 해서 The black-and-white commercial
  • This is used for oil tankers and commercial ships.
    다양한 수송 경로가 있을겁니다 여기 이곳은...
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5

영어 뜻

  • connected with or engaged in or sponsored by or used in commerce or commercial enterprises; "commercial trucker"; "commercial TV"; "commercial diamonds"

  • of or relating to commercialism; "a commercial attache"; "commercial paper"; "commercial law"

  • 형용사
  • of the kind or quality used in commerce; average or inferior; "commercial grade of beef"; "commercial oxalic acid"
    유의어: commercial-grade,

  • 명사
  • a commercially sponsored ad on radio or television
    유의어: commercial message,

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