The inscription composed by my own unworthy hand, sir. 저 비문은 내 하찮은 손에 의해 작성됐소
Whenever a woman left me, I composed a waltz. 여자가 날 버릴 때마다 왈츠를 작곡했어
This is a poem I composed in your honour. 이건 널 위해 내가 지은 시야
Did you know that dust is largely composed of human skin? 먼지의 상당부분이 인간 피부인 거 알아?
You're implying that a group composed entirely of female animals will breed? 그럼 완전히 암컷으로 구성된 집단이 번식을 한다는 말씀인가요?
A squash court is composed of five surfaces. 즉 3차원 공간을 사용해서
And it's all thanks to a balanced diet, composed of nothing but purpleberries. 이건 모두 딴건 안먹고 퍼플베리만 먹는 균형잡힌 다이어트 덕분이죠
The universe is composed of particles. 우주는 입자들로 구성돼있다
Variegated varieties with inflorescences composed of multiple florets, each with a modified calyx. 꽃이 핌과 동시에 알록달록한 각양각색은, 각각의 수정된 꽃받침과 함께 다양한 꽃부위로 구성돼 있어.
serenely self-possessed and free from agitation especially in times of stress; "the performer seemed completely composed as she stepped onto the stage"; "I felt calm and more composed than I had in a long time"