confusedly 뜻
- adverb, 혼란스럽게, 지리멸렬하게, 뒤범벅으로, 어찌할 바를 몰라, 당황하여
- confused mixture 뒤범벅
- confused fight 혼전
- confusing adjective, adverb, 혼란시키는(듯한), 당황케하는, ~ly
- confused face 헷갈려하는 얼굴
- confusion noun, adjective, 혼동, 혼란, 지리멸렬, 뒤죽박죽, 혼미, 당황, ~al
- confused adjective, noun, 혼란스러운, 지리멸렬한, 당황한, 어리둥절한, confusedness()
- confusion matrix 혼동 행렬
- confuse ray 이상한빛
- confutable adjective, 논파(논박)할 수 있는
영어 뜻
- in a confused manner; "Queen Augusta wrote him an hysterical letter in which she confusedly sympathised with him"
- in a confused manner; "Queen Augusta wrote him an hysterical letter in which she confusedly sympathised with him"