And even when he cannot consummate his passion, 그리고 그가 정욕을 해소하지 못하더라도
The prince must finish the job and consummate the curse, 왕자님께선 작업을 끝내시고 당신들이 불러들인
Thank you, Mae, for your candor and your consummate humanity. 고마워요, 메이 훌륭한 말이었어요
My sons are consummate wire walkers. 내 아들들은 훌륭한 줄타기꾼들이지만
"to consummate this curse." "이 신성한 법으로 저주를 집행할 지어다"
I consummate mine all the time. 제가 작업건다 오해하실까봐요
We gotta consummate our vows. 결혼식 마저 해야지
So does this mean you're gonna take me home and consummate our new arrangement, then, Detective? 가까이요? 그렇다면 그 말은 즉, 저를 집으로 데려가서, 우리의 새로운 계획을 완벽하게 **consummate :
In style and temperament Bôcher was a consummate artist ... 스타일과 기질이 있음 Bôcher 유능한 예술가가되었다 ...
Dr. Jensen is the consummate professional. 후안 미로.는 다다.의 시대를 관통한 작가다.
without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers; "an arrant fool"; "a complete coward"; "a consummate fool"; "a double-dyed villain"; "gross negligence"; "a perfect idiot"; "pure folly"; "what a sodding mess"; "stark staring mad"; "a thoroughgoing villain"; "utter nonsense"; "the unadulterated truth" 유의어: arrant, complete, double-dyed, everlasting, gross, perfect, pure, sodding, stark, staring, thoroughgoing, utter, unadulterated,
perfect and complete in every respect; having all necessary qualities; "a complete gentleman"; "consummate happiness"; "a consummate performance" 유의어: complete,
having or revealing supreme mastery or skill; "a consummate artist"; "consummate skill"; "a masterful speaker"; "masterful technique"; "a masterly performance of the sonata"; "a virtuoso performance" 유의어: masterful, masterly, virtuoso,