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음성기호: [ 'eksail, 'egz- ]  발음
동사 과거: exiled   동사 과거분사: exiled   명사 복수: exiles   동사 현재분사: exiling   
"exile" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • noun, vt, 망명, 유형, 국외추방, 망명자, 유랑자, 유형자, 추방인, 추방하다, 유형에 처하다


  • I take pleasure in exiling you... you're wrong.
    널 쫓아내고 난 즐거운 줄 알아? 아니
  • Blinded and defeated, Horus withdrew into exile.
    눈이 먼 채로 패패한 호러스는, 추방상태에 처해졌다.
  • Why is she exiled? Is she knocked up?
    무슨 일인데 유배를 보내냐고 애라도 뱄어?
  • I exiled three men who didn't work out.
    일에 나오지 않은 사람 셋을 추방시켰습니다.
  • When I broke the code... they exiled me.
    근데 난 룰을 어겼고 바로 쫓겨났지
  • No, they'd kill us or exile us.
    안 돼 우릴 죽이거나, 쫓아낼 거야
  • If you hadn't crushed us, I wouldn't have gone into exile.
    당신이 우릴 패퇴시키지 않았다면 내가 망명할 일은 없었을 테고
  • We have no other choice but to exile all of you.
    너희 모두를 내보내는 것 외에는 대안이 없어.
  • Even if we lived in exile with him.
    그이와 망명 생활을 해도 말이야
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5

영어 뜻

  • the act of expelling a person from their native land; "men in exile dream of hope"; "his deportation to a penal colony"; "the expatriation of wealthy farmers"; "the sentence was one of transportation for life"
    유의어: deportation, expatriation, transportation,

  • a person who is expelled from home or country by authority
    유의어: deportee,

  • a person who is voluntarily absent from home or country; "American expatriates"
    유의어: expatriate, expat,

  • 동사
  • expel from a country; "The poet was exiled because he signed a letter protesting the government''s actions"
    유의어: expatriate, deport,

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