f.a.m. 뜻
국어 번역
- phrase, foreign airmail, Free and Accepted Masons
- p.f.m., pfm, p.f.m. phrase, pulse frequency modulation
- d, f, m, phrase, (공군)Distinguished Flying Medal
- f. m. cornford F. M. 콘퍼드
- f. m. 콘퍼드 F. M. Cornford
- f.g.c.m. phrase, Field General Cout Martial
- f.i.m.t.a. phrase, Fellow of the Institute of Municipal Treasurers and Accountans
- imf, i.m.f phrase, International Monetary Fund국제 통화 기금
- mickey finn, m-f- phrase, 미키핀(마약이나 강한 하제를 넣은 술)
- f. m. 알렉산더 F. Matthias Alexander
- r.w.d.m. brussels f.c. FC 브뤼셀 FC 브뤼셀
- r.w.d.m. brussels f.c. players FC 브뤼셀의 축구 선수
- a.m. 새벽; 午前; 오전; 아침; 오전$1$
- m n , 알파벳 열세번째 문자, M(로마숫자)mille(L, =1, 000), mobilization, M, Monday, Monsieur, m, majesty, male, mark(s), masculine, medium, month, m, mmeter, mile
- m.a. 석사
- m/s metres per second; metres/sec; meters per second; meters/sec