로그인 회원가입


"first-class" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • 우수하다
  • 매력적인 계집애


  • We got the day off. We're traveling in first-class.
    우린 쉬는 날을 얻어서 1등석에 타고 있다고요
  • I've also booked the two of you first-class tickets home.
    당신 둘을 위해 집으로 가는 1등석도 예매해뒀어.
  • You still have those two first-class tickets for your honeymoon?
    아직 허니문 1등석 2자리 취소 안했지?
  • With you, everything always had to be first-class.
    당신은 뭐든 최고급으로 모셔야 했지
  • I see. Two first-class tickets... for two first-class ladies.
    일등 숙녀분들께일등칸 표 두장이요
  • I see. Two first-class tickets... for two first-class ladies.
    일등 숙녀분들께일등칸 표 두장이요
  • You travel first-class, and you bought us our tickets.
    일등칸도 타시고우리 표도 사줬으면서
  • I've been told to give you the first-class treatment.
    특급으로 대우해드리라는 명을 받았습니다
  • Smurf-tested, Gargamel-approved, grade-A, first-class, high-octane freeze balls.
    초강력 '꽁꽁 얼려 볼'이다!
  • You missed school, you're underage, and you've given your parents a first-class heart attack.
    청소년 비행 학교도 빼먹고, 미성년인데다가 부모님들을 애타게 했잖아
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