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음성기호: [ fɔ:θ'kʌmiŋ ]  발음
"forthcoming" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • adjective, noun, 곧 나오려고, 준비돼 있는, 곧(닥쳐)올, 출현, 접근
    a, 곧 나오려고하는, 준비돼있는, 나타나려고 하는


  • I'm sorry, was she more forthcoming when you asked nicely?
    미안하군, 자네가 친절히 물었을 때는 좀 진전이 있었나?
  • I sense a more detailed proposal is forthcoming?
    더 구체적인 제안이 나올 것 같다만?
  • I'm sure the honour will soon be forthcoming!
    분명히 머지않아 그 같은 명예가 있을거에요
  • She hasn't been the most forthcoming.
    그녀가 아직 아무런 말을 하지않았어요
  • She wondered if Brad was always this forthcoming.
    늘 남에게 잘 다가갈까
  • I haven't been entirely forthcoming.
    솔직히 말 못 했는데
  • In the light of the forthcoming mission, we shall adapt today's exercise.
    전 옥스퍼드를 나왔어요
  • Mr. Castillo was very forthcoming with details on the other regional leaders...
    아주 구체적으로 제공해줬습니다...
  • He's been extremely forthcoming.
    꽤 솔직한 편이어서
  • A decision is forthcoming.
    결정이 내려지길 바랍니다.
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5

영어 뜻

  • available when required or as promised; "federal funds were not forthcoming"

  • of the relatively near future; "the approaching election"; "this coming Thursday"; "the forthcoming holidays"; "the upcoming spring fashions"
    유의어: approaching, coming, upcoming,

  • at ease in talking to others
    유의어: extroverted, outgoing,

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