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음성기호: [ freit ]  발음
동사 과거: freighted   동사 과거분사: freighted   동사 현재분사: freighting   
"freight" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • noun, vt, 화물수송, 수상화물수송, 운송화물, 적하, 운임, 화물을싣다, 출하하다


  • More word on that runaway freight train in rural Pennsylvania.
    펜실베니아 주에서 달리는 화물 열차 소식입니다
  • Once we get our freight, it's your train.
    운송할 때만큼은 이건 자네 기차야
  • We have more now on that runaway freight train... in rural Pennsylvania.
    펜실베니아 지역을 주행하는 기관차의 소식이 더 들어왔습니다
  • Do you remember a freight train passing by just before the explosion?
    혹시 화물열차 지나간 거 기억나요? 폭발직전에요
  • Yeah. A freight train rolls through at noon.
    네, 화물열차가 정오에 지나가거든요
  • What about the braking on the freight cars?
    화물차의 브레이크는 어때요?
  • As a precaution, we disembarked quietly in the freight yard just outside the station.
    '혹시 몰라서 역에 진입하기 직전' '기차에서 뛰어내렸네'
  • All right. Down the ramp. Medium freight loading area.
    내려가요 중간 하역장으로...
  • A freight train barrels into my jaw.
    급행열차가 턱으로 돌진했다
  • What about the freight elevator?
    화물용 엘리베이터로 하면?
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5

영어 뜻

  • transporting goods commercially at rates cheaper than express rates
    유의어: freightage,

  • goods carried by a large vehicle
    유의어: cargo, lading, load, loading, payload, shipment, consignment,

  • the charge for transporting something by common carrier; "we pay the freight"; "the freight rate is usually cheaper"
    유의어: freightage, freight rate,

  • 동사
  • load with goods for transportation

  • transport commercially as cargo

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