gone 뜻
"gone" 예문
v, go의 과거분사 a, 지나간, 가망 없는, 영락한, 희미한, 훌륭한, 일류의, far ~ (훨씬)앞선, 깊이 들어간(개입된), ~ on ...와 사랑하여
Be a man and let me be upset, okay? 가만히 있어 알겠지? ♪ The king is gone ♪ I'm happy it's gone, but it's weird we're out here -- 그게 없어져서 좋잖아. -- You're happy it's gone. You could have gone easier on him. 좀 봐주지 그랬나 You could have gone easier on him. ♪ Of days gone by... ♪ ♪ Of days gone by... ♪ ♪ 기억들과 함께 ♪ I've only been gone four minutes. 이륙한지 4분 밖에 안됐거든 I've only been gone four minutes. Well, if you'd just gone running -- 그럼 차라리 운동을 해서... Well, if you'd just gone running -- So whatever killed them, is long gone, right? 죽인 게 뭐든 간에 So, whatever killed them is long gone, right? How would the civil war have gone differently How would the civil war have gone differently 만약 링컨이 사람이 아닌 You've been gone for hours. 몇 시간 째 의식이 없으셨어요 You've been gone for hours. He's a saint, and you will miss him when he's gone! 그리고 돌아가시면 그리워할껄... And you will miss him when he's gone...
영어 뜻
형용사 dead; "he is deceased"; "our dear departed friend" 유의어: asleep , at peace , at rest , deceased , departed , destroyed or killed; "we are gone geese" 유의어: done for , kaput , no longer retained; "gone with the wind" well in the past; former; "bygone days"; "dreams of foregone times"; "sweet memories of gone summers"; "relics of a departed era" 유의어: bygone , bypast , departed , foregone ,