로그인 회원가입


"gone" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • v, go의 과거분사
    a, 지나간, 가망 없는, 영락한, 희미한, 훌륭한, 일류의, far ~ (훨씬)앞선, 깊이 들어간(개입된), ~ on ...와 사랑하여


  • Be a man and let me be upset, okay?
    가만히 있어 알겠지? ♪ The king is gone
  • I'm happy it's gone, but it's weird we're out here
    -- 그게 없어져서 좋잖아. -- You're happy it's gone.
  • You could have gone easier on him.
    좀 봐주지 그랬나 You could have gone easier on him.
  • ♪ Of days gone by... ♪
    ♪ Of days gone by... ♪ ♪ 기억들과 함께 ♪
  • I've only been gone four minutes.
    이륙한지 4분 밖에 안됐거든 I've only been gone four minutes.
  • Well, if you'd just gone running --
    그럼 차라리 운동을 해서... Well, if you'd just gone running --
  • So whatever killed them, is long gone, right?
    죽인 게 뭐든 간에 So, whatever killed them is long gone, right?
  • How would the civil war have gone differently
    How would the civil war have gone differently 만약 링컨이 사람이 아닌
  • You've been gone for hours.
    몇 시간 째 의식이 없으셨어요 You've been gone for hours.
  • He's a saint, and you will miss him when he's gone!
    그리고 돌아가시면 그리워할껄... And you will miss him when he's gone...
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3

영어 뜻

  • dead; "he is deceased"; "our dear departed friend"
    유의어: asleep, at peace, at rest, deceased, departed,

  • destroyed or killed; "we are gone geese"
    유의어: done for, kaput,

  • no longer retained; "gone with the wind"

  • well in the past; former; "bygone days"; "dreams of foregone times"; "sweet memories of gone summers"; "relics of a departed era"
    유의어: bygone, bypast, departed, foregone,

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