로그인 회원가입



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  • phrase, His (or Her) Highness, His Holiness
    x, double (treble) hard (of pencil)
  • h    noun, 알파벳 8번째 문자 x, hard (of pencil), henry, heroin, hydrogen
  • h.a.    phrase, hoc anno H.A. x, heavy artilery, Hockey Association, Horse Artillery
  • h.t.    phrase, high tension
  • h(h)    phrase, double (treble) hard (of pencil) H.H. x, His (or Her) Highness, His Holiness
  • h.s.h.    phrase, His (or Her) Serene Highness
  • h. h. asquith    허버트 헨리 애스퀴스
  • h. h. holmes    해리 하워드 홈즈
  • h. h. kung    쿵샹시
  • a. h. albut    알프레드 알버트
  • a. h. tammsaare    안톤 한센 탐사레
  • c.h.    phrase, clearinghouse, Companion of Honor
  • dagen h    다겐 H
  • f.h.    phrase, fire hydrant
  • h and c    phrase, 헤로인(heroin)과 코카인(cocaine)을 섞은 것
  • h beam    phrase, H형 빔
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