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음성기호: [ hæd, həd, əd ]  발음
"had" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • v, have의과거(분사),


  • Well, it... it's all in the details, really.
    그것도 몰랐었어 I just had to find it.
  • Oh, you're just gonna make fun of me.
    의견충돌이 있었어요. Claire and I had a thing.
  • Your dad and his buddies, they're good people.
    대화를 길게 나눴어요 We had a long talk.
  • Alex, she had to have told you something!
    알렉스! Alex, she had to have told you something!
  • I had no money and an expensive wife.
    I had no money - 왜요? - 돈이 없었거든요.
  • You could call it being a "franager."
    내말은, 지나보니깐 I mean, I've had to learn
  • Interdepartmental drinks were had, relationships made, information shared.
    부서간에 만나다 보니 Interdepartmental drinks were had,
  • (whispering) I think I'm gonna take the deal.
    그리고 그렇다해도 And even if it had,
  • George's firm does p.R. For about 10 shoe brands.
    진짜 제 로망이죠.. I've had that dream.
  • I've known many accepting people of faith.
    세입자가 들어온거야 since we've had a tenant up there.
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