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음성기호: [ hɔt ]  발음
"hot" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • adjective, 뜨거운, 더운, 매운, 강렬한, 열렬한, 열심인, 격한, 격렬한, 호색적인, 드릴에 찬, 흥분시키는
    vi, vt, 데우다, 격화하다, 속도를 더내다


  • You were still hot, but more like a
    넌 그래도 여전히 예뻤지만, 뭐랄까, 그 때의 예쁨은
  • And those blue eyes who called me hot.
    그래서 종아리가 이쁘구나 - That explains those calves.
  • Tell me it hasn't been unseasonably hot lately.
    최근에는 계절적 성향을 안 띈다고 말할 수 있어?
  • You look awful terrible There's them hot tubs.
    그러네... 영감님 저짝에 뜨신 물 나오는 탕 있은께
  • I want some hot stuff, baby, this evenin'
    ♪ 뭔가 뜨거운 사랑을 원해요, 그대여, 오늘 저녁에
  • Surgery is hot. It's the marines. It's macho.
    수술은 정열적이야, 동시에 바다와 같고 남성적이고 경쟁적이면서 하드코어 적이고
  • A clean bed. You can take a hot shower.
    깨끗한 침대와 뜨거운 샤워도 할 수 있을 거에요
  • I want warm, but I also want hot.
    하지만 난 둘 다 원해 따뜻하지만 또 뜨거웠음 좋겠어
  • Double shot with a hint of caramel. Extremely hot.
    더블샷에 시럽대신 카라멜 드리즐 약간 해서 익스트림 핫!
  • Their hot little eyes tracking our every move.
    저들의 작고 뜨거운 눈들이 우리 행동 하나하나를 주시하고 있다고
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5

영어 뜻

  • used of physical heat; having a high or higher than desirable temperature or giving off heat or feeling or causing a sensation of heat or burning; "hot stove"; "hot water"; "a hot August day"; "a hot stuffy room"; "she''s hot and tired"; "a hot forehead"

  • extended meanings; especially of psychological heat; marked by intensity or vehemence especially of passion or enthusiasm; "a hot temper"; "a hot topic"; "a hot new book"; "a hot love affair"; "a hot argument"

  • 형용사
  • marked by excited activity; "a hot week on the stock market"

  • charged or energized with electricity; "a hot wire"; "a live wire"
    유의어: live,

  • having or dealing with dangerously high levels of radioactivity; "hot fuel rods"; "a hot laboratory"

  • of a seeker; very near to the object sought; "you are hot"

  • having or showing great eagerness or enthusiasm; "hot for travel"

  • very fast; capable of quick response and great speed; "a hot sports car"; "a blistering pace"; "got off to a hot start"; "in hot pursuit"; "a red-hot line drive"
    유의어: blistering, red-hot,

  • newly made; "a hot scent"

  • very good; often used in the negative; "he''s hot at math but not so hot at history"

  • recently stolen or smuggled; "hot merchandise"; "a hot car"

  • having or bringing unusually good luck; "hot at craps"; "the dice are hot tonight"

  • newest or most recent; "news hot off the press"; "red-hot information"
    유의어: red-hot,

  • very unpleasant or even dangerous; "make it hot for him"; "in the hot seat"; "in hot water"

  • very popular or successful; "one of the hot young talents"; "cabbage patch dolls were hot last season"

  • sexually excited or exciting; "was hot for her"; "hot pants"

  • performed or performing with unusually great skill and daring and energy; "a hot drummer"; "he''s hot tonight"

  • producing a burning sensation on the taste nerves; "hot salsa"; "jalapeno peppers are very hot"
    유의어: spicy,

  • characterized by violent and forceful activity or movement; very intense; "the fighting became hot and heavy"; "a hot engagement"; "a raging battle"; "the river became a raging torrent"
    유의어: raging,

  • wanted by the police; "a hot suspect"

  • (color) bold and intense; "hot pink"

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