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명사 복수: immunities   
"immunity" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • noun, (책임, 의무등의)면제, 특전, (전염병 등에 대한)면역성, 면역질, (교회의 세속적 의무의)면제


  • She doesn't get immunity until after she talks.
    정보를 주기 전까진 면책은 안 돼요
  • I tried, but... the D.A. offered Wes immunity.
    노력했는데... 검사가 웨스에게 면책권을 주려고 했어
  • According to Colombian law, a congressman has total immunity.
    콜롬비아인 법에 따르면 국회의원은 특권이 있어
  • Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity...
    10등급의 공직원들은 모두 면제의 권리를 부여받습니다.
  • We give Judy immunity, take her testimony and we are covered.
    주디를 사면하는 겁니다 증언을 받고 우린 숨는 거죠
  • But now their immunity is failing, and their messiah is dying.
    하지만 이제 그들의 면역력은 떨어지고, 메시아는 죽어가고 있죠.
  • You have to give me immunity and a new identity.
    당신은 나에게 면책권과 새로운 신분을 줘야해요
  • Piper Baird has agreed to make the immunity shot for us.
    Piper Baird가 우릴 위해 면역주사를 만들기로 약속했습니다.
  • You're forgetting-- he's got diplomatic immunity.
    자넨 잊고 있군 그자는 면책특권이 있잖나
  • Without it, he has no immunity.
    이것 없이는 면역력을 키울 수 없어요
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5

영어 뜻

  • an act exempting someone; "he was granted immunity from prosecution"
    유의어: exemption, granting immunity,

  • the quality of being unaffected by something; "immunity to criticism"

  • the state of not being susceptible; "unsusceptibility to rust"
    유의어: unsusceptibility,

  • (medicine) the condition in which an organism can resist disease
    유의어: resistance,

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