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"kimchaek" 예문

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  • 김책시


  • Just a week after that collapse, however, Kim Jong Un again emphasized the importance of "speed battles" during his visit to a construction site for apartments being built for Kimchaek University of Technology educators.
    그러나 이 사고 일주일 만에 김 위원장은 김책공대 교육자 아파트 건설 현장을 방문해 또 다시 속도전을 강조했고, 이러한 건설 문화는 지금까지 계속되고 있다.
  • Newly established in Kim Il Sung University's school of physics were majors in nuclear physics, chemistry and radiation chemistry. In the Kimchaek University of Technology, a college of nuclear physics was set up fresh, housing majors in nuclear materials, nuclear engineering, nuclear reactor, physical engineering and applied mathematics.
    1973년 초에 김일성종합대학 물리학부에 핵물리학과가, 화학부에 방사화학과가 개설되었고, 김책공업종합대학에는 핵재료학과, 핵전자공학과, 원자로학과, 물리공학과 응용수학과의 5개 학과를 가진 핵물리공학부가 출범하였다.
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