In spite of his charm and kindliness, he is not a good man. 매력적이지만 선하지 못해요!
There was in his character a sense of humour, kindliness, and light-heartedness, but it was too often rendered bewildering by his eccentricity. 그의 캐릭터 유머, 친절의 의미에서, 그리고 가벼운 heartedness,하지만 너무 자주 자신의 편심에 의해 어지러울 표시했다.
His humour grew less sardonic and his essential kindliness more manifest as his years advanced and so much that he had worked for came into reality. 그의 년 동안 너무 많은 사람을 위해 일한 적이 고급 현실로 온 그의 유머 덜 그의 필수 친절 참고 냉소적 더 증가했다.
The lasting affection of those who were privileged to enjoy his more intimate friendship was won by a combination of genial qualities, above all by the overflowing kindliness of his nature. 더 친밀한 우정을 나누는 사람들을 자신의 특권을했다의 지속적인 애정을 모든 것 위에 턱의 자질의 조합에 의해 그의 자연의 넘쳐 친절로 만원이었다.
영어 뜻
friendliness evidence by a kindly and helpful disposition 유의어: helpfulness,