But a true kleptomaniac doesn't steal for financial gain or personal use, and she's wearing what she's stealing. 하지만 그런 사람들은 돈이나 개인적인 이유로 훔치는 게 아닐세 하지만 범인은 훔친 옷을 자신이 입었지
I've got one son who's a kleptomaniac, the other who's in love with his own aunt -- creepy even by your standards -- and a daughter who I was forced to see naked as the day she was born. 내 아들 한명은 도벽이 있고 다른 한 명은 자기 이모한테 빠져있고 너네 기준에도 징그럽지?
영어 뜻
someone with an irrational urge to steal in the absence of an economic motive