m.i.chem.e. 뜻
국어 번역
- phrase, Member of the Institution of Chemical Engineers
- i'm your girl (s.e.s. song) I\'m Your Girl (싱글)
- chem- phrase, (연결형)화학의 뜻(모음에서는 chem-) chem. x, chemical, chemist, chemistry
- chem. phrase, chemical, chemist, chemistry chem- x, (연결형)화학의 뜻(모음에서는 chem-)
- e, e, & m, p, phrase, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary 특명 전권 공사
- r.e.m.e. phrase, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
- e, i, phrase, East Indies
- e, i, s, phrase, Educational INstitute of Scotland
- i.a.e.a phrase, International Atomic Energy Agency
- i.e. phrase, Indian Empire i.e. x, 즉 다시말하면
- i'm phrase, I am의단축 x, I am의 단축형 I.M. x, Isle of Man
- i'm not there 아임 낫 데어
- i.m. phrase, Isle of Man I'm x, I am의단축 x, I am의 단축형
- b, e, m, noun, British Empire Medal(1941년 제정)Bug-Eyed Monster(왕방울 눈의 괴물, 과학 소설에 나오는 공상적인, 생물)
- c.e.m.a. phrase, Council for the Encouragement of Music and the Arts(현재는 A.C.G.B.)
- c.e.m.s. phrase, Church of England Men's Society