n.e.r.c. 뜻
국어 번역
- phrase, Natural Environment Research Council(영)자연 환경조사국
- r.c.n.c. phrase, Royal Corps of Naval Constructors
- n.e.r. phrase, (영)North-Eastern Railway
- c.p.r.e. phrase, Council for the Preservation of Rural England
- c.r.e. phrase, Commander Royal Engineers
- r.a.e.c. phrase, Royal Army Educational Corps
- r.a.e.c. mons RAEC 몽스 RAEC 몽스
- n.c.e. phrase, New Catholic Edition
- n.e.d.c. phrase, (영)National Economic Development Council
- ncte, n.c.t.e phrase, National Council of Teachers of English
- n.c.r. phrase, no carbon required 카본지 불요
- nrc, n.r.c. phrase, National Research Council(미)국가 조사 위원회(오스)Not Recommended for Children, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- r.c.n. phrase, Royal Canadian Navy, Royal College of Nursing 왕립 간호원
- r.n.c. phrase, Royal Naval College
- r.a.e.c. mons players RAEC 몽스의 축구 선수
- the man from u.n.c.l.e. 첩보원 0011