로그인 회원가입


음성기호: [ 'nɔminl ]  발음
명사 복수: nominals   
"nominal" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • adjective, noun, 이름만의, 명목(명의)상의, 아주적은, 근소한(slight), 이름의, 명칭상의, 공칭의, (증권이)기명의, (문법)명사의, 명사적인, (미)만족한, 계획대로, 명사 상당어, 명사류, nominally()ad,


  • I'm getting off nominal ratings up and down the engine systems.
    엔진 시스템이 정격 출력에서 오르락내리락하고 있어
  • Climate recycling rate decreased to 75% nominal.
    공기 정화 비율이 75% 줄어들었습니다.
  • Nominal, these are just for safety.
    아뇨, 이것은 단지 안전을위한 것입니다.
  • Fox Six, we got nominal control.
    폭스 6, 조종 불능
  • And my Catholicism was nominal at best.
    천주교 신앙은 명목상이었다
  • Reporting all systems nominal.
    전 시스템이 정상으로 표시됩니다
  • The backup sensor is reading near nominal, Ben, permission to switch from primary to backup.
    예비 센서는 정상 작동됩니다 벤, 예비 센서로 교체 허가해 주십시오
  • All systems are nominal.
    모든 시스템 정상입니다
  • I'm sorry to report that all we have is a nominal no contact M.R. path.
    이소식을 전하게되어 유감입니다. 신호가 끊겼습니다.
  • If Mr Renfrew would supply gear and tackle at nominal cost. The man has impudence!
    만약 렌프류씨가 장비들을 정상가에 공급해주신다면
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5

영어 뜻

  • of, relating to, or characteristic of an amount that is not adjusted for inflation; "the nominal GDP"; "nominal interest rates"

  • pertaining to a noun or to a word group that functions as a noun; "nominal phrase"; "noun phrase"

  • relating to or constituting or bearing or giving a name; "the Russian system of nominal brevity"; "a nominal lists of priests"; "taxable males as revealed by the nominal rolls"

  • 형용사
  • existing in name only; "the nominal (or titular) head of his party"
    유의어: titular,

  • named; bearing the name of a specific person; "nominative shares of stock"
    유의어: nominative,

  • insignificantly small; a matter of form only (`tokenish'' is informal); "the fee was nominal"; "a token gesture of resistance"; "a toknenish gesture"
    유의어: token, tokenish,

  • 명사
  • a phrase that can function as the subject or object of a verb
    유의어: noun phrase, nominal phrase,

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