p.r.a. 뜻
국어 번역
- phrase, president of the Royal academy
- p.r. phrase, parliamentary reports, populus romanus, proportional representation비례 대표, puerto rico
- s, p, r phrase, Society for Physical Research
- ppr., p.p.r. phrase, present participle
- c.p.r. phrase, Canadian (Central) Pacific Railway
- c.p.r.e. phrase, Council for the Preservation of Rural England
- p.o.r., por phrase, payable on receipt화물 인환불
- p.r.b. phrase, pre-paphaelite brotherhood
- pr, p.r. noun, vt, 홍보(섭외)홀동, 선전계몽
- pär lagerkvist 페르 라게르크비스트
- r.a.p.c. phrase, Royal Army Pay Corps
- r.c.m.p. phrase, Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- r.c.p. phrase, Royal College of Physician 왕립 내과 의원
- r.h.p. phrase, rated horsepower 정격 마력
- r.i.p.d. R.I.P.D.: 알.아이.피.디.