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음성기호: [ 'pauə ]  발음
동사 과거: powered   동사 과거분사: powered   명사 복수: powers   동사 현재분사: powering   
"power" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • 힘, 능력, 재능, 체력, 세력, 권력, 지배력, 정권유력자, 강국, 거듭제곱, 작업률, 공률, 동력, 확대력, 신(a power of 많은, in one's power 힘이 미치는 범위내에, 지배하에)


  • My vision showed only the child's immense power.
    내 환영 속에선 어떤 꼬마의 엄청난 힘만 보였어
  • Power on, press 'TV', then select Channel 4!
    아버... 전원 켜신 다음에 요 단추를 TV쪽으로 올리셔야죠
  • Never before has man possess so much power.
    [인류가 이토록 큰 힘을 가지게 된 건 처음입니다]
  • Abel by Francis Gary Powers and Frederic Pryor,
    아벨 대 프랜시스 개리 파워스 그리고 프레드릭 프라이어
  • Yeah, but don't these dudes have, like, powers?
    그치, 근데 이 사람들은, 뭔가, 능력이 있지 않아?
  • You granted it the power to see everything...
    그 모든 걸 볼 힘을 부여한 건 당신이었습니다
  • They're nothing to bastards with money and power!
    돈 있고 빽있는 놈들한텐 아무것도 아냐 씨발 꺼
  • I didn't move to Washington, D.C., for power.
    난 권력을 위해 워싱턴 D.C.로 온 게 아니야
  • But you will be an equal power with me,
    자넨 절대 나와 동등한 동업자가 될 수 없어
  • Slowly gain my trust and then steal my power.
    천천히 당신을 믿게 만든 뒤에 힘을 빼앗으려는거 아닌가요?
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5

영어 뜻

  • physical strength
    유의어: might, mightiness,

  • possession of controlling influence; "the deterrent power of nuclear weapons"; "the power of his love saved her"; "his powerfulness was concealed by a gentle facade"
    유의어: powerfulness,

  • possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done; "danger heightened his powers of discrimination"
    유의어: ability,

  • a mathematical notation indicating the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself
    유의어: exponent, index,

  • a state powerful enough to influence events throughout the world
    유의어: world power, major power, great power, superpower,

  • a very wealthy or powerful businessman; "an oil baron"
    유의어: baron, big businessman, business leader, king, magnate, mogul, top executive, tycoon,

  • one possessing or exercising power or influence or authority; "the mysterious presence of an evil power"; "may the force be with you"; "the forces of evil"
    유의어: force,

  • (physics) the rate of doing work; measured in watts (= joules/second)

  • (of a government or government official) holding an office means being in power; "being in office already gives a candidate a great advantage"; "during his first year in office"; "during his first year in power"; "the power of the president"
    유의어: office,

  • 동사
  • supply the force or power for the functioning of; "The gasoline powers the engines"

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