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음성기호: [ pri'skraibd ]  발음:
"prescribed" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • adjective, 규정된, 미리 정해진


  • I do remember that he prescribed an ointment that really helped.
    모르겠어요 기억이 안나요 - 음 - 괜찮아요
  • I've prescribed her alpralam and clonazepam.
    내가 알프랄람 과 클로라제팜를 처방했어. (정신안정제)
  • Dr. Cox said he only prescribed anti-depressants to Jackson.
    콕스박사는 잭슨에게 항우울제만 처방했다고 했는데
  • She had 32 oxycodone pills, and they were not prescribed to her.
    모두 32알이나 돼요 처방전에 있는 약도 아니고요
  • Whatever you prescribed him did nothing.
    처방해준게 뭐였던간에 효과가 전혀 없었어요
  • I've been prescribed this time. You can't take it from me.
    처방전 받으러 왔는데 전 어쩌라구요
  • The doctor prescribed it.
    Yeah. The doctor prescribed it. 네, 의사가 처방해 주었어요
  • The doctor prescribed it.
    Yeah. The doctor prescribed it. 네, 의사가 처방해 주었어요
  • I mean,I-I've seen other doctors who prescribed pills that never seemed to work.
    예전에도 여러 의사 에게 찾아갔었어요. 듣지도 않는 약을 처방해주더군요.
  • I've prescribed her Alprazolam and Clonazepam.
    내가 알프랄람과 클로라제팜를 처방했어
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5

영어 뜻

  • set down as a rule or guide

  • formally laid down or imposed; "positive laws"
    유의어: positive,

  • conforming to set usage, procedure, or discipline; "in prescribed order"
    유의어: official,

  • fixed or established especially by order or command; "at the time appointed (or the appointed time")
    유의어: appointed, decreed, ordained,

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