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음성기호: [ prə'dʒekʃən ]  발음
명사 복수: projections   
"projection" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • noun, 돌출, 사출, 발사, 영사, 계획, 주관의 객관화(projection television 투사기 텔레비젼)


  • I presented were beyond the projections for last quarter.
    4/4분기 실적 재무재표가 영사기 뒤에 쳐박혀 있었다 하더라곡
  • Church's prior locations into a projection algorithm.
    처치의 이전 위치들을 투영 알고리즘에 넣고있어
  • The way the projections persecute the dreamer?
    nbsp; 경찰한테 쫓기면서도 계속 그런식으로 살고싶어?
  • I know that's the projection. But that's printed to scale.
    투영도 상으로는 그런데 축소 인쇄된 거잖아
  • ... before the projections catch us?
    우리를 못 쫓아오게 미로로 막는다느거죠? nbsp;
  • Income statements, profit projections, cash flow...
    수입 현황, 이익 프로젝션 현금 흐름
  • Let's check projection stability with our favorite object.
    물체의 투사 안정성을 확인해 보지
  • Psychic projection to create a simulated reality.
    정신파를 투영해서 가상현실세계를 만드는 거야
  • Let's do it No delusions, no projections
    그러지 뭐 딴 생각은 안하지
  • What you're seeing there is just his projection of her.
    nbsp; 니가 본건 허영일 뿐이야
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5

영어 뜻

  • the act of expelling or projecting or ejecting
    유의어: expulsion, ejection, forcing out,

  • the act of projecting out from something
    유의어: protrusion, jut, jutting,

  • any structure that branches out from a central support

  • the representation of a figure or solid on a plane as it would look from a particular direction

  • a prediction made by extrapolating from past observations

  • a planned undertaking
    유의어: project,

  • the projection of an image from a film onto a screen

  • the acoustic phenomenon that gives sound a penetrating quality; "our ukuleles have been designed to have superior sound and projection"; "a prime ingredient of public speaking is projection of the voice"
    유의어: acoustic projection, sound projection,

  • (psychiatry) a defense mechanism by which your own traits and emotions are attributed to someone else

  • any solid convex shape that juts out from something

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