r.a.m.c. 뜻
국어 번역
- phrase, Royal Army Medical Corps
- m.r.c.a. phrase, multirole combat aircraft 다목적 전투기
- r.c.m. phrase, Royal College of Music
- r.c.m.p. phrase, Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- r.m.c. phrase, Royal Military College
- r.w.d.m. brussels f.c. FC 브뤼셀 FC 브뤼셀
- r.w.d.m. brussels f.c. players FC 브뤼셀의 축구 선수
- m.r. phrase, Master of the Rolls, municipal reformer
- m.r.s.t. phrase, Member of the Royal Society of Teachers
- r.a.m. phrase, Royal Academy of Music
- r.m. phrase, resident magistrate, royal mail, Royal Marines
- r.m.s. phrase, Railway Mail Service, Royal Mail Steamer(Steamship)
- c.r. phrase, Costa Rica
- r.a.c. phrase, Royal Armoured Corps, Royal Automobile Club
- r.a.s.c. phrase, Royal Army Service Corps
- r.c. phrase, Red Cross, Reserve Corps, Roman Catholic