r.h.g. 뜻
국어 번역
- phrase, Royal Horse Guards
- h.g. phrase, His (or) Her Grace
- g, a, r, noun, Grand Army of the Republic, 남북 전쟁 종군 군인회 x, Grand Army of the Repuvlic 남북 전쟁 종군 군인회
- r.g.a. phrase, Royal Garrison Artillery
- r.g.s. phrase, Royal Geographical Society
- r.h. phrase, relative humidity R.H. x, Royal Highlanders 영국 고지 연대, Royal Highness
- r.h.a. phrase, Royal Horse Artillery, Royal Humane Association
- r.h.s. Royal Historical Society 영국 사학회, Royal Horticultural Society 영국 원예 학회, Royal Humane Society 영국 수난 구조회
- r.h., r.h., rh phrase, right hand (악기 등)오른손 사용
- h. g. 웰스 h. g. 웰스 H. G. Wells
- r.o.g., r.o.g. phrase, receipt of goods
- r.h.b., r.h.b. phrase, right halfback, r.h.d. right-hand drive
- c.g.h. phrase, Cape of Good Hope 희망봉
- g, b, h phrase, grievous bodily harm
- g, c, l, h phrase, Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor
- g, h, q, phrase, General Headquarters