r.o. 뜻
국어 번역
- phrase, Receiving Office, Regimental Order, Royal Observatory
x, rule out
- r/o phrase, rule out R.O. x, Receiving Office, Regimental Order, Royal Observatory
- s, r, o, phrase, Standing Room Only
- r.o.g., r.o.g. phrase, receipt of goods
- before r.o.c. 중화민국전
- c.r.o. phrase, Commonwealth Relations Office(1966년 Colonial Office와 합병 Commonwealth Office가되고 1968년 F.C.O.로 됨)
- c.s.i.r.o. phrase, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
- d, o, r, a, phrase, (영법)Ddfence of the Realm Act
- i.o.r.m. phrase, Improved Order of Red Men
- iro, i.r.o phrase, International Refugee Organization
- p.o.r., por phrase, payable on receipt화물 인환불
- r.a.o.c. phrase, Royal Army Ordnance Corps
- r.c.o. phrase, Royal College of Organists
- r.l.o. phrase, returned letter office
- r.o.c. phrase, Royal Observer Corps
- r.o.d (소설) Read or Die