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음성기호: [ 'refrəns ]  발음
명사 복수: references   
"reference" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • (서적 등의)참조, 대조, 언급, 관련, 관계, (대명사가)가리킴, 받음, (인물.기량등에 관한)조회, 문의, 신용(신원)조회처, 신원 보증인, (신원.신용등의)증명서, 신용조회서, 참조문, 인용문, 참고 문헌(도서), =REFERENCE MARK, (위원회 등에의)위탁, 위임, 위탁의 범위, 참고(용)의, 참조표(사항)를 달다, 참조문으로 인용하다, (표 등에)참조하기 쉽도록 싣다


  • All inquiries, reference office of 412/L, room 5001."
    " 모든 조회: 담당 관리자 412-L "
  • We'll just have a map reference, not a name.
    그냥 지도상 위치밖에 얻을 수 없을텐데, 범인 이름이 아니라.
  • It's not a well-known literary reference either.
    아뇨, 그렇게 잘 알려진 문학 인용구는 아닌 것 같아요
  • If you can get the right references.
    제대로된 화제로 접근하면 못할것도 없을 것 같은데?
  • But I can give you a map reference for hell.
    하지만 제가 지옥의 지도는 드릴 수 있을 겁니다
    하지만 나는 당신이 훌륭한 인격을 가졌다는 증언을 했을꺼에요
  • I'm sorry, was that a wu-tang reference?
    모두 달러, 달러 지폐를 혹시, 우탱 노래에 나오는 거야? (cf.
  • Hey, here's a reference that hairstyle's old enough to get.
    그 헤어스타일에 어울릴 만큼 올드한 말이 있는데.
  • We are making inquiries in reference to some jewel robberies.
    일련의 보석 절도 사건과 관련해 조사하는 중입니다
  • For your reference, the other 6 are as follows.
    참고로 나머지 여섯 가지는 다음과 같아요
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5

영어 뜻

  • the act of referring or consulting; "reference to an encyclopedia produced the answer"
    유의어: consultation,

  • the most direct or specific meaning of a word or expression; the class of objects that an expression refers to; "the extension of `satellite of Mars'' is the set containing only Demos and Phobos"
    유의어: denotation, extension,

  • the relation between a word or phrase and the object or idea it refers to; "he argued that reference is a consequence of conditioned reflexes"

  • (computer science) the code that identifies where a piece of information is stored
    유의어: address, computer address,

  • a book to which you can refer for authoritative facts; "he contributed articles to the basic reference work on that topic"
    유의어: reference book, reference work, book of facts,

  • a formal recommendation by a former employer to a potential future employer describing the person''s qualifications and dependability; "requests for character references are all too often answered evasively"
    유의어: character, character reference,

  • a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage; "the student''s essay failed to list several important citations"; "the acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book"; "the article includes mention of similar clinical cases"
    유의어: citation, cite, acknowledgment, credit, mention, quotation,

  • a remark that calls attention to something or someone; "she made frequent mention of her promotion"; "there was no mention of it"; "the speaker made several references to his wife"
    유의어: mention,

  • an indicator that orients you generally; "it is used as a reference for comparing the heating and the electrical energy involved"
    유의어: reference point, point of reference,

  • a publication (or a passage from a publication) that is referred to; "he carried an armful of references back to his desk"; "he spent hours looking for the source of that quotation"
    유의어: source,

  • 동사
  • refer to; "he referenced his colleagues'' work"
    유의어: cite,

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