sampling 뜻
음성기호: [ 'sɑ:mpliŋ ] 발음
국어 번역
- noun, 견본 추출, ramdom ~ 무작위 추출법
- cluster sampling 집락추출법
- gibbs sampling 기브스 표집
- nonprobability sampling 비확률적 샘플링
- random sampling phrase, 임의(무작위)(표본)추출법
- rejection sampling 리젝션 샘플링
- sampling (music) 샘플링 (음악)
- sampling (statistics) 표집 표집
- sampling declaration 표본 추출 선언
- sampling distribution 표본 분포
- sampling frame 표집틀
- sampling rate 샘플링 레이트
- sampling technique 견본 추출
- snowball sampling 스노우볼 샘플링
- stratified sampling 층화추출법
- systematic sampling 계통추출법
영어 뜻
- 명사
- (statistics) the selection of a suitable sample for study
- measurement at regular intervals of the amplitude of a varying waveform (in order to convert it to digital form)
- items selected at random from a population and used to test hypotheses about the population
유의어: sample distribution, sample,