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음성기호: [ stɔ:k ]  발음
"stalk" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • noun, 대, 줄기, 꽃꼭지, 잎꼭지, 경상부
    vi, noun, (적, 사냥감에)몰래 접근하다, (병이)퍼지다, 유유히(뽐내며) 걷다, 활보하다, 몰래 접근함, 활보


  • He's trying to... stalk Burke's lucky cap from me.
    내가 자기 모자를 가졌다고 스토킹하려는 거야
  • So you can keep an eye on the pituitary stalk
    그럼 뇌하수체줄기를 계속해서 지켜보실 수 있잖아요
  • Well, serial killers tend to stalk their victims beforehand.
    연쇄살인범들은 희생자를 미리 스토킹하곤 하지
  • A spectre to stalk those unpunished brutes whose reckoning is long overdue.
    심판의 기한이 지나도 처벌받지 않은 깡패들을 쫓아다니는 유령
  • Right. Well, let's hope she lives to gently stalk another day.
    그럼, 또 한 번 매너 있는 스토커로 살 기회를 얻길 바래야지
  • I wouldn't have to stalk you.
    여동생한테 전화 좀 하지 그랬냐
  • I can't believe you're gonna stalk me.
    아빠가 날 스토킹하진 않겠지
  • I mean, you're probably just gonna go cyber stalk me some more, huh?
    어차피 저 사이버 스토킹 하러 가시는거죠?
  • So you're gonna stalk me?
    그럼 날 스토킹할 거야?
  • And then finally the brain must have died... because the eyes went out... and there was no more feeling in them than a crab's eye at the end of a stalk.
    그러다가 뇌가 죽은 것 같아 눈이 기능을 잃었으니까 동태 눈처럼 아무런 감각도 느낄 수가 없게 된 거지
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영어 뜻

  • a stiff or threatening gait
    유의어: angry walk,

  • the act of following prey stealthily
    유의어: stalking,

  • a hunt for game carried on by following it stealthily or waiting in ambush
    유의어: stalking, still hunt,

  • a slender or elongated structure that supports a plant or fungus or a plant part or plant organ
    유의어: stem,

  • material consisting of seed coverings and small pieces of stem or leaves that have been separated from the seeds
    유의어: chaff, husk, shuck, straw, stubble,

  • 동사
  • walk stiffly

  • go through (an area) in search of prey; "stalk the woods for deer"

  • follow stealthily or recur constantly and spontaneously to; "her ex-boyfriend stalked her"; "the ghost of her mother haunted her"
    유의어: haunt,

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