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"states" 예문

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  • Only two of them in the continental United States, one of which is here in California, which is in North America.
    미국 대륙에 딱 두개만 있는데 Only two of them in the continental United States,
  • I have just received word that the president of the United States has arrived and will attempt to make first contact.
    방금 들어온 소식에 따르면 대통령이 I have just received word that the president of the United States has arrived and will attempt to make first contact.
  • Mr. Raymond Bay, an upstanding citizen, who was arrested in Berger Park with his hands in his pockets, supposedly making, as the arrest report states,
    Mr. Raymond Bay, an upstanding citizen, 레이먼드 베이씨, 훌륭한 시민입니다 who was arrested in Berger Park with his hands in his pockets, 주머니에 손을 넣고 있다가 버거 공원에서 체포되었습니다 supposedly making, as the arrest report states, 체포 기록에 의하면,
  • Folks are trying to find occasion-driven product, she states.
    사람을 찾기 위해 노력하는 경우-기반 제품, 그녀는 states.
  • Hotels in North Charleston Myrtle Beach hotels United States
    노스 찰스턴의 호텔 United States 미를 비치 호텔
  • Hotels in Lake Charles Slidell hotels United States Sulphur hotels
    레이크 찰스의 호텔 United States 슬리델 호텔
  • Rapid City hotels United States Hotels in Deadwood
    United States 래피드시티 호텔 데드우드의 호텔
  • Hotels in Cleveland Maumee hotels United States Cincinnati hotels
    클리블랜드의 호텔 United States 모미 호텔
  • Blue Springs hotels Independence hotels United States
    블루스프링 호텔 United States 인데펜던스 호텔
  • Taxi transfers from and to Waukegan National Airport - United States
    목적지 로널드 레이건 워싱턴 내셔널 공항 - United States
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